Liste: Abkürzungen in der IT (Informatik)


In der IT gibt es eine ganze Menge an Abkürzungen. In der Computerwelt hat man schon oft von HDD, SSD, CPU oder KI gehört. Doch was bedeuten all diese Begriffe? Eine lange Liste haben wir nachfolg für euch.

In der linken Spalte steht die Abkürzung, in der rechten Spalte die dazugehörige Bedeutung. Da es in der IT viele Fachbegriffe gibt, ist die Liste relativ lang.

Abkürzungen IT


AAAauthentication, authorization and accounting, siehe Triple-A-System
AACAdvanced Audio Coding
AACSAdvanced Access Content System
AALATM Adaptation Layer
AAMATA/ATAPI Architecture Model
Automatic acoustic management
ACCAdaptive Computing Controller (SAP)
ACEASCII Compatible Encoding
Access Control Entry (Eintrag in der Access Control List)
ACKacknowledge ‘bestätige’, siehe ACK (Signal) und Netzjargon
ACLAccess Control List
ACPIAdvanced Configuration and Power Interface
ACRAdvanced Communication(s) Riser oder
Automatic carriage return oder
Attenuation To Crosstalk Ratio
ACSApplied Computer Science (Angewandte Informatik) oder
ATA/ATAPI Command Set (siehe ATA/ATAPI)
ADActive Directory
ADAMActive Directory Application Mode
ADAPTApplication Design for Analytical Processing Technologies
ADBApple Desktop Bus oder
Android Debug Bridge
ADCApple Display Connector (Variante von DVI)
ADDSActive Directory Domain Services (Erweiterung des früheren Verzeichnisdienstes ADS von Microsoft)
ADOActiveX Data Objects
ADSAutomated Deployment Service oder
Alternate Data Streams
ADSLAsymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, Variante von DSL
ADSPAppleTalk Data Stream Protocol
AEGAusschalten, einschalten, geht, Tipp zur Problemlösung
AEPAppleTalk Echo Protocol
AESAdvanced Encryption Standard
AFAnisotropes Filtern
AFKAway from Keyboard
AFPApple Filing Protocol
AGAAdvanced Graphics Architecture (AmigaChipsatz)
AGESAAMD Generic Encapsulated Software Architecture
AGPAccelerated Graphics Port
AGUAddress Generation Unit
AHCIAdvanced Host Controller Interface
AIArtificial Intelligence (Künstliche Intelligenz, deutsche Abkürzung: KI)
AIAAuthority Information Access
AIFFAudio Interchange File Format
AIMAOL Instant Messenger
AIRAdobe Integrated Runtime
AITAdvanced Intelligent Tape
AJAXAsynchronous JavaScript and XML
akaalso known as (auch bekannt unter dem Namen …) siehe: Pseudonym
ALMApplication Lifecycle Management (u. a. von Borland)
ALSAAdvanced Linux Sound Architecture
ALUArithmetisch-logische Einheit (arithmetisch-logische Einheit, Teil einer CPU)
AMDAdvanced Micro Devices
AMQPAdvanced Message Queuing Protocol
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
AOPAspektorientierte Programmierung
AOSPAndroid Open Source Project
APAccess Point
APDUApplication Protocol Data Unit
APIApplication Programmers/Programming Interface oder
Adaptive Planungsintelligenz
APICAdvanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
APIPAAutomatic Private IP Addressing
APLA Programming Language
APLAbschlusspunkt Linientechnik
APMAdvanced Power Management
APOPAuthenticated Post Office Protocol
APUAccelerated Processing Unit
AQEAugmented Quad Edge (Datenstruktur zur Speicherung und effizienten Traversierung eins 3D Voronoi-Diagramms)
ARAugmented Reality
ARMAdvanced RISC Machines Ltd. oder
Application Response Measurement
ARPAddress Resolution Protocol
ARQAutomatic Repeat reQuest
ARSAdaptive Rate Selection
ASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information Interchange (amerikanische Standardkodierung für den Informationsaustausch)
ASICApplication-Specific Integrated Circuit (anwendungsspezifische integrierte Schaltung)
ASN.1Abstract Syntax Notation One
ASPActive Server Pages oder
Application Service Providing oder
AppleTalk Session Protocol
ASPIAdvanced SCSI Programming Interface
ATAdvanced Technology (Bauform für Mainboards und Gehäuse)
ATAAdvanced Technology (AT) Attachment
ATAPIAT-Attachment Packet Interface
ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode oder
Asynchronous Time Multiplexing oder
Adobe Type Manager
ATPGAutomatic Test Pattern Generation
ATXAdvanced Technology Extended
AUIAttachment Unit Interface
AVIAudio Video Interleave


BBell Laboratories oder
Programmiersprache B (Vorgänger von C)
B2DBackup-to-Disk Datensicherung auf Festplatte im Gegensatz zu Backup-to-Tape
B2TBackup-to-Tape Datensicherung auf ein Bandmedium wie DAT, DLT, LTO, …
BAMBlock Availability Map, siehe Dateisystem
BAPIBusiness Application Programming Interface
BASICBeginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (Programmiersprache)
BBSBulletin Board System
BCCBlind Carbon Copy (dt. Blindkopie, Feld im Kopf einer E-Mail, das zusätzliche Adressaten enthält, die aber nicht den anderen Adressaten mitgeteilt werden) oder
Block Check Character (dt. Blockprüfzeichen)
BCDBinary Coded Decimal
BCPLBasic Combined Programming Language
BDBlu-ray Disc
BDCBackup Domain Controller oder
Business Data Catalog im Microsoft Office SharePoint Server
BDDBinary Decision Diagram
BERBasic Encoding Rules oder
Bit Error Rate
BERTBit Error Rate Test (Bitfehlerratentest)
BFDBidirectional Forwarding Detection
BGABall Grid Array
BGPBorder Gateway Protocol
BiDiBidirectional Text Layout, siehe Bidirektionaler Text
BIBusiness Intelligence
BIOSBasic Input Output System
BLOBBinary Large Object
BNCBayonet Neill Concelman, siehe BNC-Steckverbinder
BOFHBastard Operator From Hell
BOMByte Order Mark
BOOTPBootstrap Protocol
BOSBase Operating System (dt. Betriebssystem)
BPELBusiness Process Execution Language
BSCBinary Synchronous Communication
BSDBerkeley Software Distribution
BSODBlue Screen of Death
BTXBalanced Technology Extended oder


CProgrammiersprache C
CAADComputer Aided Architectural Design (Computergestütztes architektonisches Planen und Entwerfen)
CACertificate Authority
CADComputer-Aided Design (Computerunterstütztes Design)
CAEComputer-aided engineering
CAFComposite Application Framework
CAMComputer-aided manufacturing
CANController Area Network oder
Content Addressable Network
CAPICommon ISDN Application Programming Interface
CAPWAPControl And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points
CARPCommon Address Redundancy Protocol
CASColumn Address Strobe: Dynamic Random Access Memory#CAS
CATCatalog Service
CAVConstant Angular Velocity
CAVECave Automatic Virtual Environment
CAWComputer-Aided Woodcut (zu Deutsch rechnerunterstützter Holzschnitt)
CBOCost Based Optimizer, kostenbasierten Optimizer für Zugriffe auf Datenbanksätze
CCCarbon Copy oder
Creative Commons
C Compiler
CCDCharge-coupled Device
CC/PPComposite Capability/Preference Profiles
CCUCamera Control Unit
CDCompact Disc
CDATACharacter Data
CDCConnected Device Configuration
CDECommon Desktop Environment
CDMACode Division Multiple Access
CDNContent Delivery Network
CD-RCompact Disc Recordable
CD-ROMCompact Disc Read-Only Memory
CD-RWCompact Disc ReWriteable
CEPTConférence Européenne des Administrations des Postes et des Télécommunications
CETControl-flow Enforcement Technology
CFMLColdFusion Markup Language
CFSMCommunicating Finite State Machines
CGAColor Graphics Adapter
CGICommon Gateway Interface
CHAPChallenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
CHSCylinder Head Sector
CICSCustomer Information Control System
CIDRClassless Inter-Domain Routing
CIFCommon Intermediate Format
CIFSCommon Internet File System
CIMComputer-integrated manufacturing oder
Common Information Model
CISCComplex Instruction Set Computer
CLDCConnected Limited Device Configuration
CLICall Level Interface oder
Command Line Interpreter oder
Common Language Infrastructure
CLOBCharacter Large Object
CLMCertificate Lifecycle Manager
CLRCommon Language Runtime
CLTSConnectionless Transport Service, ein verbindungsloser Service, beispielsweise UDP
CLVConstant Linear Velocity
CMMCapability Maturity Model oder
Color Management Module
CMOSComplementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (dt. Komplementärer Metall-Oxid-Halbleiter)
CMYKCyan Magenta Yellow Key, siehe CMYK-Farbmodell
COCallable Object
COBOLCommon Business Oriented Language
CODASYLConference on Data Systems Languages
COMComponent Object Model oder
Computer on Module (Kernhardware eines Computers implementiert auf einem steckbaren Modul)
CORBACommon Object Request Broker Architecture
COTSConnection Oriented Transport Service, ein verbindungsorientierter Service, wie beispielsweise TCP
COWCopy-On-Write, Verfahren zur Vermeidung von überflüssigen Kopien von Daten
CPLCall Processing Language oder
Combined Programming Language oder
Common Public License
CP/MControl Program/Monitor, später: Control Program for Microcomputers
CPPMContent Protection for Pre-Recorded Media, Kopierschutzverfahren der DVD-Audio
CPRICommon Public Radio Interface
CPRMContent Protection for Recordable Media
CPSLCommon Pattern Specification Language
CPUCentral Processing Unit
CPUIDCentral Processing Unit Identification
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check, Verfahren zur Ermittlung von Übertragungsfehlern
CREContent Relationship Engine
CRLCertificate Revocation List
CRTCathode Ray Tube
CRUDCreate, Read, Update, Delete (Datenbankoperationen)
CSACommon-Scrambling-Algorithmus oder
Connector, Switch, Attenuator theory
CSICommon System Interface
CSMCompatibility Support Module
CSMA/CACarrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance
CSMA/CDCarrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection
CSPCommunicating Sequential Processes
CSSCascading Style Sheets oder
Content Scramble System
CSVCharacter Separated Values, Comma Separated Values
CTFCapture the Flag
CTLComplex Text Layout
CTSClear To Send
CUDACompute Unified Device Architecture
CUICharacter User Interface, d. i. Zeichenorientierte Benutzerschnittstelle
CUoDCapacity Upgrade on Demand
CUPSCommon Unix Printing System
CVSConcurrent Versions System
CWMCommon Warehouse Metamodel


D2D2TDisk to disk to tape (Backup)
DAEDigital Audio Extraction
DALData Abstraction Layer
DAOData Access Objects (Microsoft) oder
Data Access Object (Entwurfsmuster) oder
Disc-At-Once (Schreibmethode)
DAPDirectory Access Protocol
DATDigital Audio Tape
DAUDümmster anzunehmender User
DAUdaily active user – Facebook: täglich aktive(r) Benutzer
DAVDistributed Authoring and Versioning; siehe WebDAV
DBMSDatabase management system
DBPDatabase Publishing
DCDomain Controller oder
Domain Component
DCEData Communication Equipment oder
Distributed Computing Environment
DCIMDigital Camera Images
DCLData Control Language oder
DIGITAL Command Language
DCODevice Configuration Overlay (siehe ATA/ATAPIoder
Dynamic Code Obfuscation
DCOMDistributed Component Object Model
DCPDisk Control Program
DCSDynamic Channel Selection
DCTDiskrete Cosinus Transformation
DCTLDirect Coupled Transistor Logic
DDDouble Density (Diskette)
DDCDisplay Data Channel
DDEDynamic Data Exchange
DDFDisk Data Format
DDIDevice Driver Interface
DDLData Definition Language
DDoSDistributed Denial of Service
DDRDouble Data Rate
DDSDigital Data Storage oder
Direct Digital Synthesis oder
Direct Draw Surface
DDXDirect Data Exchange
DECTDigital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications
DENICDE Network Information Center
DEPData Execution Prevention
DESData Encryption Standard
DFSDistributed File System oder
Dynamic Frequency Selection oder
Depth-First Search
DFÜDatenfernübertragung (engl.: DUN)
DHData Highway
DHCPDynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHTMLDynamic HTML, Kombination von Hypertext Markup Language und JavaScript
DILDual in-line package
DIMEDirect Internet Message Encapsulation
DIMMDual Inline Memory Module
DISDistributed Interactive Simulation
DITDirectory Information Tree
DivXDigital Video Express
DLDouble Layer
DLLDynamic Link Library
DLMDocument Lifecycle Management
DLPDigital Light Processing
DLRDynamic Language Runtime, siehe .NET
DMADirect Memory Access
DMCADigital Millennium Copyright Act
DMDDigital Micromirror Device
DMIDesktop Management Interface oder
Direct Media Interface
DMLData Manipulation Language
DMSDokumentenmanagementsystem (Document Management System)
DMTFDistributed Management Task Force
DMZDemilitarized Zone (Demilitarisierte Zone)
DNSDomain Name System
DNSBLDNS-based Blackhole List
DoDDepartment of Defense
DOMDocument Object Model
DOSDisk Operating System oder
Denial of Service (DoS)
dpiDots per Inch
DPAData Path Array
DPSDesktop Purchasing System oder
Data Protection System
DPUData Path Unit
DRACDell Remote Access Controller
DRAMDynamic Random Access Memory
DRIDirect Rendering Infrastructure
DRLData Retrieval Language
DRMDigital Rights Management
DRTDocument Related Technologies
DSdouble-sided (Diskette oder Speichermodul)
DSADistributed Systems Architecture oder
Directory System Agent
DSLDigital Subscriber Line oder
Domain Specific Language
DSPDigital Signal Processor
DSRData Set Ready
DSSSDirect Sequence Spread Spectrum
DSSSLDocument Style Semantics and Specification Language
DTDDocument Type Definition
DTEData Terminal Equipment
DTMDual Transfer Mode
DTOData Transfer Object
DTRData Terminal Ready
DUADirectory User Agent
DUNDial-Up Networking
DVBDigital Video Broadcasting
DVB-CDigital Video Broadcasting – Cable
DVB-HDigital Video Broadcasting – Handhelds
DVB-SDigital Video Broadcast – Satellite
DVB-TDigital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial
DVDDigital Versatile Disc
DVIDigital Visual Interface
DVCSDistributed Version Control System (Verteilte Versionsverwaltung)
DWTDiskrete Wavelet-Transformation
DXFDrawing Interchange Format (auch Drawing Exchange Format)


EAIEnterprise Application Integration
EBCDICExtended Binary Coded Decimals Interchange Code
EBNFExtended Backus-Naur Form
ECCError-correcting code
ECMEnterprise Content-Management
ECMAEuropean Computer Manufacturers Association
ECPExtended Capability Port oder
Encryption Control Protocol
EDExtra-high Density (Diskette)
EDDEnhanced Disk Drive Services (PC-BIOS Funktionen für Zugriff auf Festplatten)
EDDLElectronic Device Description Language
EDGEEnhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
EDIDExtended Display Identification Data
EDMElectronic Document Management
EDPElectronic Data Processing
EDVElektronische Datenverarbeitung, engl.: EDP
EEPROMElectrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EFIExtensible Firmware Interface
EFSEncrypting File System
EGAEnhanced Graphics Adapter
EHCIEnhanced Host Controller Interface
EIA-232Electronic Industries Alliance 232, bekannt als V.24; ursprünglich RS-232
EIBEuropäischer Installationsbus
EIDEEnhanced Integrated Device Electronics
EIGRPEnhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
EISEntry Into Service
EISAExtended Industry Standard Architecture
EISTEnhanced Intel SpeedStep Technology
EJBEnterprise Java Beans
EJBQLEJB Query Language
ELExpression Language
EM64TExtended Memory 64 Technology, alter Name von Intel 64
EMSExpanded Memory Specification
EMVElektromagnetische Verträglichkeit
EODEnd Of Discussion (Slang)
EOFEnd of File oder
Enterprise Objects Framework
EPLDErasable Programmable Logic Device
EPPEnhanced Parallel Port oder
Encrypting PIN Pad oder
Enhanced Performance Profiles bei RAM
EPROMErasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EPSEncapsulated PostScript
EPSSElectronic Performance Support System
ESBEnterprise Service Bus
ERPEnterprise Resource Planning
ESEnterprise Service
ESCDExtended System Configuration Data
ESPEFI System Partition, siehe Definition in GUID Partition Table
ESQLEmbedded SQL
ESSIDExtended Service Set Identifier
ETBEnd of Transmission Block, ein Steuerzeichen bei der Datenübertragung
ETLExtract, Transform, Load
EUCSEnd User Computing Satisfaction
EVAEingabe – Verarbeitung – Ausgabe (EVA-Prinzipoder
Enterprise Virtual Array (Disk Array von Hewlett Packard für mehrere Terabyte Daten)
EWFEnhanced Write Filter, wird bei Windows XP embedded verwendet
exFATExtended File Allocation Table
ExifExchangeable Image File Format for Digital Still Cameras
Ext2Second extended Filesystem


FAIFully Automatic Installation
FAQFrequently Asked Questions
FATFile Allocation Table
FCFibre Channel
FCFSFirst-Come First-Served, siehe First In – First Out
FDFloppy Disk
FDDFloppy Disk Drive
FDDIFiber Distributed Data Interface
FDMAFrequency Division Multiple Access
FETField Effect Transistor
FFTFast Fourier Transform (schnelle Fourier-Transformation)
FGAFloating Gate Array
FHSSFrequency Hopping Spread Spectrum
FIFOFirst In – First Out
FILOFirst In – Last Out, siehe Last In – First Out
FLACFree Lossless Audio Codec
FLOPFloating Point Operation (Gleitkommaoperation)
FLOPSFloating Point Operations per Second
FPGAField Programmable Gate Array
FPLAField Programmable Logic Array
FPSFrames per Second (Bilder pro Sekunde. Bildfrequenzoder
First Person Shooter
FPUFloating Point Unit (Gleitkommaeinheit, numerischer Coprozessor)
FQDNFully Qualified Domain Name
FSAAFull Scene Antialiasing
FSBFront Side Bus
FSMFinite State Machine
FTBFSFails to build from source (Debian-Slang)
FTPFile Transfer Protocol
FTTHFibre To The Home
FWForwarding (bei E-Mails oft benutzt)


GALGeneric Array Logic
GANGlobal Area Network
GBICGigabit Interface Converter
GCGarbage Collection / Garbage-Collector oder
Global Catalog
GCCGNU Compiler Collection
GCRGroup Coded Recording
GDDRGraphics Double Data Rate
GFSGlobal File System
GIDGroup Identification, siehe Benutzer- und Rechteverwaltung unter Unix
GIFGraphics Interchange Format
GINAGraphical Identification and Authentication
GLBPGateway Load Balancing Protocol
GLEGraphics Layout Engine
GLUOpenGL Utility Library
GLUTOpenGL Utility Toolkit
GMLGeography Markup Language
GMPLSGeneralized Multiprotocol Label Switching (Weiterentwicklung von MPLS)
GNOMEGNU Network Object Model Environment
GNUGNU‘s Not Unix (ein rekursives Akronym), siehe GNU-Projekt
GOOSEGeneric Object Oriented Substation Events
GPGuided Procedures
GPGGNU Privacy Guard
GPLGNU General Public License
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service
GPTGUID Partition Table
GPUGraphics Processing Unit
GPXGPS Exchange Format
GREGecko Runtime Environment oder
Generic Routing Encapsulation
GRUBGrand Unified Bootloader
GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communications
GUIGraphical User Interface
GUIDGlobally Unique Identifier


HALHardware Abstraction Layer
HBCIHomebanking Computer Interface
HCAHost Channel Adapter
HCIHuman Computer Interaction
HCRHandprint Character Recognition
HDHard Disk
HDCPHigh-bandwidth Digital Content Protection
HDDHard Disk Drive
HDEHauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandels
HDLHardware Description Language
HDLCHigh-Level Data Link Control
HDMIHigh Definition Multimedia Interface
HDRRHigh Dynamic Range Rendering
HDTVHigh Definition Television
HGCHercules Graphics Card
HIDHuman Interface Device
HIPHost Identity Protocol
HIPPIHigh Performance Parallel Interface
HMAHigh Memory Area
HMDHead-Mounted Display
HMIHuman Machine Interface
HPCHigh Performance Computing
HPETHigh Precision Event Timer
HPFSHigh Performance File System
HRHDHigh Resolution High Definition
HSCSDHigh Speed Circuit Switched Data
HSDPAHigh Speed Downlink Packet Access
HSRPHot Standby Router Protocol
HSUPAHigh Speed Uplink Packet Access
HTCHigh Throughput Computing
HTCPHyper Text Caching Protocol
HTMLHypertext Markup Language
HTPCHome Theater Personal Computer
HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPSHypertext Transfer Protocol Secure


IA5Internationales Alphabet Nr. 5
IANAInternet Assigned Numbers Authority
I2CInter-Integrated Circuit
ICANNInternet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
ICCInternational Color Consortium
ICHI/O Controller Hub
ICMPInternet Control Message Protocol
ICSInternet Connection Sharing
IDEIntegrated Development Environment oder
Integrated Drive Electronics, siehe ATA/ATAPI
IDEFIntegrated Definition Methods
IDFIntel Developer Forum
IDLInterface Definition Language
IDMSIntegrated Database Management System
IDNInternationalized Domain Name
IDNAInternationalizing Domain Names in Applications
IEDIntelligent Electronic Device
IEEEInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETFInternet Engineering Task Force
IFFInterchange File Format
IGPIntegrated Graphics Processor
IGMPInternet Group Management Protocol
IGRPInterior Gateway Routing Protocol
IIOPInternet Inter-ORB Protocol
IISMicrosoft Internet Information Services
IKEInternet Key Exchange (siehe IPsec)
ILDAInternational Laser Display Association
ILMInformation Lifecycle Management
IMAPInternet Message Access Protocol
IMCInternet Mail Connector (siehe Microsoft Exchange Server)
IMQIntermediate Queuing Device
IMSInformation Management System
IntelIntegrated Electronics
IPInternet Protocol
IPCInter-Process Communication oder
Instructions per cycle
IPPInternet Printing Protocol
IPPDIntegrated Product and Process Development
IPPPISDN Point-to-Point Protocol
IPSInstructions per Second
IPSecInternet Protocol Security
IPTIntel Identity Protection Technology
IPXInternetwork Packet Exchange
IRCInternet Relay Chat
IrDAInfrared Data Association
IRQInterrupt Request
IRTFInternet Research Task Force
IRVInternationale Referenzversion (des IA5)
ISAIndustry Standard Architecture
iSCSIInternet SCSI
ISDNIntegrated Services Digital Network
ISOInternationale Organisation für Normung
ISO-CVariante von C
ISPInternet Service Provider
ISSEInternet Streaming SIMD Extensions
ITInformationstechnik / Information Technology
ITUInternational Telecommunication Union (Internationale Fernmeldeunion)
IxDInteraction Design


J2EEJava Platform, Enterprise Edition
J2MEJava Platform, Micro Edition
J2SEJava Platform, Standard Edition
JACKJACK Audio Connection Kit
JAXPJava API for XML Processing
JCLJob Control Language
JDBCJava Database Connectivity
JDFJob Definition Format
JDICJDesktop Integration Components
JDKJava Development Kit
JESJob Entry Subsystem
JEUJump Execution Unit
JFSJournaled File System
JMFJava Media Framework
JMSJava Message Service
JNDIJava Naming and Directory Interface
JNLPJava Network Launching Protocol
JOLAPJava Based OLAP interface
JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group
JREJava Runtime Environment
JSFJavaServer Faces
JSONJavaScript Object Notation
JSPJavaServer Pages
JSRJava Specification Request
JTMJob Transfer and Manipulation
JVMJava Virtual Machine


KDEK Desktop Environment
KIKünstliche Intelligenz
KMKonfigurationsmanagement oder
Knowledge Management
KMLKeyhole Markup Language
KRAKey Recovery Agent
KVMKeyboard – Video – Mouse


L2TPLayer 2 Tunneling Protocol
LACPLink Aggregation Control Protocol
LADSPALinux Audio Developer’s Simple Plugin API
LANLocal Area Network
LATLocal Area Transport
LBALogical Block Addressing
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LCNLocal Control Network
LCoSLiquid Crystal on Silicon
LCRLeast Cost Router
LDAPLightweight Directory Access Protocol
LDSLightweight Directory Services
LDULogical Data Unit
LEDLight Emitting Diode
LERLabel Edge Router
LFSLarge File Support oder
Linux From Scratch
LFSRLinear Feedback Shift Register
LGALand Grid Array
LIFOLast In – First Out
LILOLinux Loader oder
Last In – Last Out (s. a. First In – First Out)
LISPList Processing
LLCLogical Link Control
LONLocal Operating Network
LPLine Printer (Zeilendrucker, s. a. Drucker)
LPCLow Pin Count
LPPLicensed Product Package
LPTLine Printer
LRULeast recently used
LS120Laser Servo Disk
LSALocal Security Authority
LSASSLocal Security Authority Subsystem
LSBLeast Significant Bit
LSRLabel Switch Router
LTELong Term Evolution
LTSLong Term Support
LUGLinux User Group
LUNLogical Unit Number
LVDSLow Voltage Differential Signaling
LVMLogical Volume Manager


M4AMPEG-4 Audio
MACMedia Access Control
MACMachine Authentication Code
MAKMultiple Activation Key
MAPIMessaging Application Programming Interface
MANMetropolitan Area Network
MAUmonthly active user – Facebook: monatlich aktive(r) Benutzer oder
Multistation Access Unit
MBRMaster Boot Record
MCAMicro Channel Architecture
MCFMeta Content Framework
MCHMemory Controller Hub
MCPMulti Chip Package, siehe Multi-Chip-Modul oder
Master Control Program (Betriebssystem von Burroughsoder
Media Communications Processor (von Nvidia entwickelter Prozessor)
MCXMedia Center Extender
MDACMicrosoft Data Access Components
MDCTModifizierte diskrete Kosinustransformation oder
Multi-detector Computed Tomography oder
Multislice Detector Computed Tomography oder
Multi-row-detector Computed Tomography
MFMModified Frequency Modulation
MFTMaster File Table
MFUMost Frequently Used
MHPMultimedia Home Platform
MIDIMusical Instrument Digital Interface
MIDSMultifunctional Information Distribution System
MIIMedia Independent Interface
MIISMicrosoft Identity Integration Server
MIMDMultiple-Instruction Multiple-Data
MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MIPSMillion Instructions per Second oder
Microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stages
MKVMatroska Video
MMIMan Machine Interface, siehe Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle
MMORPGMassively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
MMSMultimedia Messaging Service
MMUMemory Management Unit
MMXMulti Media Extension
moboSlang für Motherboard
MODMagneto Optical Disc
MOOMud object oriented
MOSTMedia Oriented System Transport
MP3MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3
MPEGMoving Picture Experts Group
MPIMessage Passing Interface
MPLSMultiprotocol Label Switching
MPPMassively Parallel Processing
MP/MMulti-User Version des CP/M (Control Program for Microcomputers)
MPUMicro Processor Unit (siehe Mikroprozessoroder
Memory Protection Unit
MQTTMessage Queue Telemetry Transport
MRAMMagnetoresistive Random Access Memory
MRCPMedia Resource Control Protocol
MRUMaximum Receive Unit oder
Most Recently Used
M$Slang für Microsoft
MSBMost Significant Bit
MSDNMicrosoft Developer Network
MSDNAAMSDN Academic Alliance
MSIMDMultiple Single Instruction Multiple Data
MSNMicrosoft Network oder
Multiple Subscriber Number
MTAMail Transfer Agent
MTBFMean Time Between Failures
MTUMaximum Transmission Unit
MUAMail User Agent
MUDMulti User Dungeon
MVCModel View Controller
MXMail Exchange Resource Record
MZRMultiple Zone Recording


NACNetwork Access Control
NALNetwork Abstraction Layer
NANNational Area Network
NASNetwork Attached Storage
NATNetwork Address Translation
NBDNetwork Block Device
NCPNetWare Core Protocol
NCQNative Command Queuing
NDESNetwork Device Enrollment Service
NDISNetwork Driver Interface Specification
NDSNovell Directory Services
NEDCNew Enterprise Data Center
NEXTNear End Crosstalk
NFSNetwork File System
NGSCBNext Generation Secure Computing Base
NICNetwork Information Center oder
Network Interface Card
NNTPNetwork News Transfer Protocol
NOCNetwork Operation Center
NRUNot Recently Used (siehe Paging)
NRZNon Return to Zero (auch NRZI = Non Return to Zero Invert)
NSSName Service Switch
NTBANetwork Termination for ISDN Basic rate Access
NTFSNew Technology File System
NTPNetwork Time Protocol
NTSCNational Television Standards Committee
NUINatural User Interface
NUMANon-Uniform Memory Access
NVENetworked Virtual Environment
NVRAMNon Volatile Random Access Memory
NWDSNetWeaver Developer Studio


OANOpen Access Network
OASISOrganization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards
OCIOpen Catalog Interface
OCPÜberstromschutz (Over Current Protection)
OCROptical Character Recognition
OCSPOnline Certificate Status Protocol
ODBCOpen DataBase Connectivity
ODDOptical Disk Drive
ODMCOn Demand Clock Modulation
ODMGObject Database Management Group
ODROctal Data Rate
OEMOriginal Equipment Manufacturer
OFDMOrthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
OGCOpen Geospatial Consortium (vormals OpenGIS Consortium)
OHCIOpen Host Controller Interface
OLAPOnline Analytical Processing
OLEObject Linking and Embedding
OLEDOrganic Light Emitting Diode
OLSROptimized Link State Routing
OLTPOnline Transaction Processing
OODBMSObject-Oriented DataBase Management System
OOPObjektorientierte Programmierung
OPCOperation Planning and Control oder
OLE for Process Control
OQLObject Query Language
ORDBMSObject-Relational DataBase Management System
OSOperating System
OSAOpen Systems Architecture
OSGiOpen Services Gateway Initiative
OSPFOpen Shortest Path First
OSSOpen Sound System oder
OSSDOutput Signal Switching Device
OUOrganizational Unit, eine Teilstruktur einer Organisation, z. B. eine Abteilung
OWSOpenGIS Web Service (siehe Open Geospatial Consortium)


PADIPPPoE Active Discovery Initiation
PAGProgram Analyzer Generator
PALProgrammable Array Logic oder
Phase Alternating Line
PAMPluggable Authentication Module oder
Programmable Attribute Map
PANPersonal Area Network
PAPPassword Authentication Protocol oder
Printer Access Protocol oder
PATMOSPower And Timing Modelling, Optimization and Simulation
PBCCPacket Binary Convolution Coding
PCPersonal Computer oder
Program Counter
PCAProgrammable Counter Array
PCBProcess Control Block oder
Printed Circuit Board (Platine)
PCIPeripheral Component Interconnect
PCIe/PCI-EPeripheral Component Interconnect Express
PCI-XPeripheral Component Interface Extension
PCMCIAPersonal Computer Memory Card International Association
PC/SCPersonal Computer/Smart Card
PDAPersonal Digital Assistant
PDCPrimary Domain Controller
PDFPortable Document Format
PDMProduct Data Management
PDUProtocol Data Unit oder
Power Distribution Unit
PEBKACProblem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair
PEGPCI Express for Graphics
PFSPerfect Forward Secrecy
PGAPin Grid Array
PGPPretty Good Privacy
PHPPHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (rekursives Akronym)
PIProcess Integration
PIAPeripheral Interface Adapter
PICParticipant Identification Code
PICProgrammable Interrupt Controller
PIDPersonally-Identifiable Data
PIMPersonal Information Manager
PIMFPair In Metal Foil
PINGPacket Inter-Network Groper
PIOProgrammed Input/Output
PKIPublic Key Infrastructure
PL/IProgramming Language One
PLAProgrammable Logic Array
PLMAPrivate Label Manufacturers Association
PMFPointer to Member Function (Datentyp der Programmiersprache C++)
PMUPower Management Unit
PNGPortable Network Graphics
PnPPlug and Play
PoEPower over Ethernet
POFPolymere optische Faser
POJOPlain Old Java Object
POPPost Office Protocol
POP3Post Office Protocol Version 3
POSIXPortable Operating System Interface for UniX
POSTPower On Self-Test
POTSPlain Old Telephone System
PPDPostScript Printer Description
PPIPixel per Inch
PPPPoint-to-Point Protocol
PPPoEPPP over Ethernet
PPTPPoint-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PPUPhysics Processing Unit
PRBSPseudo-random bit stream
PSAPseudo Application als Microsoft-Office-2007-Dokument, wie PowerPoint oder Excel
PSACRPower Sum Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio
PSAIPseudo Application Interface, liefert Daten in Echtzeit an andere Anwendungen oder andere Hardware
PSDPhotoshop Document
PSTNPublic Switched Telephone Network
PVCPermanent Virtual Circuit
PWMPulse Width Modulation
PXEPreboot Execution Environment


QDRQuadruple Data Rate, Weiterentwicklung von Double Data Rate
QPIQuickPath Interconnect
QoSQuality of Service
QUXGAQuad Ultra Extended Graphics Array
QVGAQuarter Video Graphics Array
QWUXGAQuad Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array
QXGAQuad Extended Graphics Array


RADRapid Application Development
RAIDRedundant Array of Independent Disks, ursprünglich Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RADIUSRemote Authentication Dial-In User Service
RAMRandom-Access Memory
RARResource Adapter
RARPReverse Address Resolution Protocol
RASRemote Access Service
RASRow Address Strobe
RBLRealtime Blackhole List
RCPRapid Control Prototyping oder
Rich-Client-Platform oder
Remote Copy Protocol
RDBMSRelational Database Management System
RDFResource Description Framework
RDPRemote Desktop Protocol
REDRandom Early Detection
RESTRepresentational State Transfer
REURAM Expansion Unit
REXXRestructured Extended Executor Language
RFCRequest for Comments
RFCRemote Function Call
RFIDRadio Frequency Identification
RGBRed Green Blue (Rot Grün Blau)
RIRing Indicator
RIARich Internet Application
RIMMRambus In-Line Memory Modul
RIDRelative Identifier
RIPRouting Information Protocol oder
Raster Image Process
RISCReduced Instruction Set Computer
RLERun-length encoding
RLLRun Length Limited
RMIRemote Method Invocation
RMSRights Management Services
ROIRegion of Interest (in der Bildverarbeitung)
ROMRead Only Memory
RPCRemote Procedure Call
RPGRole Playing Game oder
Report Program Generator
RPMRPM Package Manager (rekursives Akronym, ehemals RedHat Package Manager)
RPSRights Protection System
RS-232Recommended Standard 232, eigentlich: Radio Sector 232, heute: EIA-232
RSARivest, Shamir, Adleman
RSHRemote Shell
RSSReally Simple Syndication
RTCReal Time Clock
RTFMRead The Fucking Manual
RTLRegister Transfer Level (Ebene in Hardware / Hardware-Modellierung)
RTOSRealtime Operating System
RTPRealtime Transport Protocol
RTSRequest To Send
RTSIReal Time System Integration
RTTIRuntime Type Information
RUERich User Experiences


SAASystems Application Architecture
SACDSuper Audio Compact Disc
SAFTSimple Asynchronous File Transfer
SAMSecurity Account Manager
SANStorage Area Network oder
System Area Network
SANEScanner Access Now Easy oder
Standard Apple Numeric Environment
SASSerial Attached SCSI
SASLSimple Authentication and Security Layer
SATSCSI/ATA Translation
SATLSCSI/ATA Translation Layer (siehe SCSI/ATA Translation)
SAXSimple API for XML
SaaSSoftware as a Service
SBCSession Border Controller oder
single-board computer
SBP-2Serial Bus Protocol, Protokoll aus der IEEE1394- bzw. Firewire- bzw. iLink-Welt
SCAMSCSI Configuration AutoMatically
SCEPSimple Certificate Enrollment Protocol
SCPSecure Copy Protocol
SCPIStandard Commands for Programmable Instruments
SCSASecure Content Storage Association
SCSISmall Computer System Interface
SCUMMScript Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion
SDSingle Density (Diskette)
SDFSynchronous Data Flow
SDHSynchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDKSoftware Development Kit oder
System Design Kit
SDLService Description Language (siehe Web Services Description Languageoder
Simple DirectMedia Layer oder
Specification and Description Language
SDLCSynchronous Data Link Control oder
Software Development Life Cycle
SDRSingle Data Rate
SDSLSymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (Variante von DSL)
SEOSearch Engine Optimization
SFFSmall Form Factor
SFPSmall Form-factor Pluggable (umgangssprachlich auch mini-GBIC)
SGMLStandard Generalized Markup Language
SHFSShell File System
SHTTPSecure Hyper Text Transport Protocol
SIMSubscriber Identity Module
SIMDSingle Instruction Multiple Data
SIMMSingle Inline Memory Module
SIPSession Initiation Protocol oder
Sideway Information Passing
SIPPSingle Inline Pin Package (siehe Single Inline Memory Module)
SISSingle Instance Storage
SLMicrosoft Silverlight
SLAMSimultaneous Localization and Mapping
SLDSecond Level Domain oder
Styled Layer Descriptor
SLIScalable Link Interface
SLIPSerial Line Internet Protocol
SLLStatic Link Library
SLNPSimple Library Network Protocol
SLPService Location Protocol
SLRScalable Linear Recording
SMAPSimple Mail Access Protocol
SMARTSelf-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology
SMASHSystems Management Architecture for Server Hardware
SMBSystem Management Bus oder
Server Message Block
SMBIOSSystems Management BIOS
SMDSurface Mounted Device
SMILSynchronized Multimedia Integration Language
SMI-SStorage Management Initiative – Specification
SMLStandard ML oder
System Management Language
S/MIMESecure / Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
SMPSymmetric Multi-Processing, siehe Symmetrisches Multiprozessorsystem
SMSShort Message Service
SMTSimultaneous Multithreading
SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol
S/NSerial Number
SNASystems Network Architecture (IBM-Großrechner)
SNMPSimple Network Management Protocol
SOAService Oriented Architecture oder
Start of Authority (im DNS, siehe SOA Resource Record)
SOAPSimple Object Access Protocol
SOXSarbanes-Oxley Act
S/PDIFSony/Philips Digital Interface
SPDXSoftware Package Data Exchange
SPECStandard Performance Evaluation Corporation
SPEWSSpam Prevention Early Warning System
SPFSender Policy Framework
SPISerial Peripheral Interface
SPLCSecure Product Lifecycle
SPMScratch Pad Memory
SPoFSingle Point of Failure
SPPSystem Platform Processor (NVIDIAs Gegenstück zu Intels MCH)
Standard Parallel Port
SPWSatisfaction per watt (Von Intel vorgeschlagene, objektivere Kennzahl als PPW (Performance per Watt))
SQLStructured Query Language (Strukturierte Abfragesprache), Datenbankabfragesprache
SRAMStatic Random Access Memory
SRMService Resolution Management
SRPSecure Remote Password, Sicherheitsstandard für Authentifizierungsverfahren oder
Software Restriction Policies
SSsingle-sided (Diskette oder Speichermodul)
SSEStreaming SIMD Extensions
SSHSecure Shell
SSIServer Side Includes
SSIDService Set Identifier
SSLSecure Sockets Layer oder
Syntax/Semantic Language
SSOSingle Sign-on
STSimple Transformations
STFWSearch the fucking web
STPShielded Twisted Pair
STUNSimple traversal of UDP over NATs
SUXGASuper Ultra Extended Graphics Array
SVCDSuper Video Compact Disc
SVDRPSimple Video Disk Recorder Protocol
SVGScalable Vector Graphics
SVGASuper Video Graphics Array
SXGASuper Extended Graphics Array


TclTool command language
TCTurbo Cache
TCOTotal Cost of Ownership
TCPTransmission Control Protocol
TCPATrusted Computing Platform Alliance
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
TDMATime Division Multiple Access
TDPThermal Design Power
TEDSTransducer Electronic Data Sheet
TFTThin Film Transistor
TFTPTrivial File Transfer Protocol
TIPCTransparente Inter-Process Communication
TKIPTemporal Key Integrity Protocol
TLBTranslation Lookaside Buffer
TLDTop-Level-Domain oder
Tag Library Descriptor
TLMTransaction Level Modelling
TLSTransport Layer Security
TMTransactional Memory
TOSThe Operating System oder
Tramiel Operating System (Betriebssystem der Atari-Computer)
TPCTransmitter Power Control oder
Transaction Processing Performance Council
TPITracks Per Inch
TPMTrusted Platform Module
TPoXTransaction Processing over XML
TSTimeserver oder
Terminal Server oder
TeamSpeak oder
Transport Stream
TSCTime Stamp Counter
TSPTraveling Salesman Problem
TSOTime-Sharing Option
TTLTime-to-live oder
TWAINToolkit Without An Interesting Name
TWITwo-wire Interface


UAAUniversal Audio Architecture
UACUser Account Control
UARTUniversal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
UATUser Acceptance Test
UBEUnsolicited Bulk Email
UCUnified Communications
UCDUser Centered Design
UCEUnsolicited Commercial E-Mail
UCPUniversal Computer Protocol
UCSUniversal Coded Character Set
UDDIUniversal Description, Discovery and Integration
UDFUniversal Disk Format
UDFUser Defined Function
UDMAUltra-Direct Memory Access
UDPUser Datagram Protocol oder
Usenet Death Penalty
UEFIUnified Extensible Firmware Interface
UFSUnix File System
UHCIUniversal Host Controller Interface
UIUser Interface oder
User Interaction
UIDUser Identifier (siehe Benutzerkennungoder
User Interface Design
UMAUniform Memory Access oder
Unified Memory Architecture oder
Universal Multimedia Access
UMBUpper Memory Block
UMDFUser-Mode Driver Framework
UMLUnified Modeling Language
UMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System
UPnPUniversal Plug and Play
UPSUninterruptible Power Supply
URIUniform Resource Identifier
URLUniform Resource Locator
USBUniversal Serial Bus
USVUnterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung
UTFUnicode Transformation Format
UTMUnified threat management
UTPUnshielded Twisted Pair
UUGUnix User Group
UUIDUniversally Unique Identifier
UWBUltra Wide Band
UXDUser Experience Design (siehe User Experience)
UXGAUltra Extended Graphics Array


VAFCVESA Advanced Feature Connector
VBVisual Basic – in den 2 Varianten Visual Basic Classic (steht für die VB-Versionen bis VB6) und Visual Basic .NET (mit der Abkürzung VB.NET)
VBAVisual Basic for Applications
VBSVisual Basic Script
VCVisual Composer
VCDVideo-CD oder virtual channel descriptor
VCIvirtual channel identifier
VCSVersion Control System (Versionsverwaltung)
VDRVideo Disk Recorder (Festplattenrekorder)
VDSLVery High Speed Digital Subscriber Line (Variante von DSL)
VESAVideo Electronics Standards Association
VFCVESA Feature Connector
VFSVirtual Filesystem Switch
VGAVideo Graphics Array
VHDLVery High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language
VLANVirtual Local Area Network
VLIWVery Long Instruction Word
VLSIVery Large Scale Integration
VMVirtuelle Maschine
VMSVirtual Memory System
VNCVirtual Network Computing
VOVirtual Organisation (im Grid-Computing)
VoIPVoice over IP
VPVisual Programming
VPIVirtual Path Identifier
VPLVisual Programming Language
VPNVirtual Private Network
VRVirtual Reality
VRAMVideo Random Access Memory
VRMLVirtual Reality Modeling Language
VRRPVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol
VSAMVirtual Storage Access Method (IBM-Großrechner)
VSTVirtual Studio Technology
VTAMVirtual Terminal Access Method (IBM-Großrechner)
VTSVirtual Tape Server
VXLANVirtual Extensible LAN


W2KWindows 2000
W2KxWindows 2Kx (Windows 2003 = W2K3, Windows 2008 = W2K8)
W3CWorld Wide Web Consortium
WAISWide Area Information Servers
WAMPWindows-Apache-MySQL-PHP oder
WANWide Area Network
WAPWireless Application Protocol
WBEMWeb-Based Enterprise Management
WCSWeb Coverage Service
WDDXWeb Distributed Data Exchange
WDSWireless Distribution System
WEPWired Equivalent Privacy
WFSWeb Feature Service
WIDLWeb Interface Definition Language
WIMPWIMP (Benutzerschnittstelle) für Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointing device
WINEWine Is Not an Emulator (rekursives Akronym)
WINSWindows Internet Naming Service
WISPWireless Internet Service Provider
WLANWireless Local Area Network (Kabelloses Lokales Netzwerk)
WLLWireless Local Loop
WMAWindows Media Audio
WMLWireless Markup Language
WMMWireless Multimedia
WMSWeb Map Service
WOLWake on LAN
WORMWrite Once Read Multiple
WPAWi-Fi Protected Access
WQVGAWide Quarter Video Graphics Array
WRSWeb Registry Service
WS-CDLWS-Choreography Description Language
WSDLWeb Services Description Language
WSDMWS-Distributed Management
WSHWindows Scripting Host
WSRFWS-Resource Framework
WSRMWS-Reliable Messaging
WSUXGAWide Super Ultra Extended Graphics Adapter
WSVGAWide Super Video Graphics Array
WSXGAWide Super Extended Graphics Array
WTSWindows Terminal Server (Terminalserver)
WUXGAWide Ultra Extended Graphics Array
WVGAWide Video Graphics Array
WWANWireless Wide Area Network
WWWWorld Wide Web
WXGAWide Extended Graphics Array
WYSISLWYGWhat You See Is Sort-of Like What You Get (sprich: wiesel-wig) (deutsch: „Was Du siehst ist in etwa wie das, was du bekommst“), zynische Bezeichnung für WYSIWYG-Programme, die nicht halten, was sie versprechen
WYSIWYGWhat You See Is What You Get (sprich: wi-zi-wig) (deutsch: „Was du siehst ist was du bekommst“). Bezeichnung für graphische HTML-Editor und Textverarbeitungsprogramme, bei denen das gedruckte Ergebnis genau so aussieht wie auf dem Bildschirm


X3DExtensible 3D (VRML-Nachfolger)
XAMLeXtensible Application Markup Language
XAMPPExtended Apache/MySQL/PHP/Perl
XGAExtended Graphics Array
xHCIExtensible Host Controller Interface
XHTMLExtensible Hypertext Markup Language
XIExchange Infrastructure (Seit SAP NetWeaver 7.0: PI – Process Integration)
XILPXILP: Internet Links People
XMLExtensible Markup Language
XML-RPCExtensible Markup Language Remote Procedure Call
XMPPExtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol
XMSExtended Memory Specification
XMSFExtensible Modeling and Simulation Framework
XOGXML Open Gateway
XrMLExtensible rights Markup Language
XSDXML Schema Definition
XSLExtensible Stylesheet Language
XSL-FOExtensible Stylesheet Language – Formatting Objects
XSLTXSL Transformation
XTExtended Technology


Y2KYear 2 Kilo (Year 2000)
YAGNIYou Ain’t Gonna Need It
YaSTYet another Setup Tool


ZBRZone Bit Recording
ZFSZettabyte File System


Johannes Huber

In seiner Freizeit macht Johannes nichts lieber, als für ITnator Beiträge zu schreiben. Input bekommt er hierfür von Problemen in der IT Administration von Servern, Clients und vielen weiteren IT Komponenten.

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